This is an epic portrayal of earthbound rescue, the extraordinary real-life adventure of a group working out of this world yet in Langton Green, with aspects such as reincarnation, the group-soul, otherworld knowledge, the spiritual path, even Eastern discipleship.
Full synopsis
The true story I have to tell is unusual even within its own genre. For instance if one accepts that The Seven were discarnate, having survived physical death, then they were certainly not recent arrivals trying to prove their case or report on the afterlife. Nor could they be called channelled teachers or guides. They were a group of young men who as part of their spiritual growth chose to rescue those trapped between their world and ours, and who needed the back-up of a team on earth. "You push and we'll pull!" neatly summarized it. Our recording of that work was intrinsic to their larger purpose. But intrinsic to us was our unique adventure with them as individuals, operating, one must add, through a reluctant medium: the cross-currents of relationship over issues that arose, the doubts and dilemmas, the merging of interests and clash of viewpoints, the multifarious portrait of different worlds thrown strangely together by their coming to a village house in Kent. Here is an epic portrayal of earthbound rescue, the extraordinary real-life adventure of a group working out of this world yet in Langton Green, with aspects such as reincarnation, the group-soul, otherworld knowledge, the spiritual path, even Eastern discipleship. It is also a call to those who have their compassionate part to play in the book's planned outcome.
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