Trade Sales Information

All of our titles are available to buy by any bookshop or other retailer either direct from us or through wholesalers Gardners. We welcome direct orders from bookshops or we supply through wholesale, to whom we supply daily price and availability feeds on all titles. Orders may be placed on a sale or return basis by UK customers. Overseas orders are generally made on a firm sale basis only.

Distributor: Troubador Publishing Ltd, Market Harborough

Sales Team: Star Book Sales, Exeter

If you are one of our authors and wish to order copies of your own book, please contact us. Please do not use the ordering methods given below as these are for trade customers only.

Order from us direct

To be supplied direct from Troubador, customers need to have a trade account with us. Download a New Account Form below, or contact [email protected] and we can email one to you.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0116 279 2299 (ask for Jonathan White or Chloe May)

Address: Unit E2, Airfield Business Park, Harrison Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 7UL

Our SAN: 018361X

EAN/GLN: 5030670183616

Want stock for events?

Are you an author wanting to secure copies of your book ahead of a book launch or book event? If so, we are happy to supply directly to the bookshop from our distribution centre.

We'll need to receive the request at least two weeks in advance of the event using the details provided on this page. Share our trade sales details below with a bookshop for them to order directly from us.

Order from Gardners Books

Gardners wholesaler holds copies of most of our books in stock in order to supply bookshops quickly. We supply Gardners with a daily price & availability feed so their stocking information is accurate.

Address: Gardners Books Ltd, 1 Whittle Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6QH

Telephone: +44 (0)1323 521555

Email: [email protected]

Note: Our Print on Demand Titles are supplied via Lightning Source, UK. To enquire about receiving price & availability feeds please email: [email protected]

Teleorder (Booknet), now MVB PubEasy

In 2023 Teleordering services from Nielsen will be migrated to the MVB Pubeasy system. Retailers who were using Teleordering will be migrated automatically by MVB and will be set up with a Teleordering mailbox. If you are experiencing problems with the replacement Teleorder service please contact MVB here.

Our Pubeasy Mailbox is: E01899293

Our Print on Demand Titles are supplied via Lightning Source, UK, but they may be ordered directly from Troubador, Gardners, Pubeasy or through Teleordering.

Trade sales details

For more information for how trade customers can purchase from us, download the details you need here.

Trade application form

For us to be able to work with a new trade partner, we'll need a form filling in to gather all the necessary details.

Want to enquire about receiving P&A feeds?

To enquire about receiving P&A feeds, or if you wish to discuss trading terms, please get in touch and we will get back to you.