Book publishing

We work with and support authors through every step of the publishing process, to produce high-quality books that look at home on bookshop shelves.

Quality Book Publishing

We have over 30 years of experience producing quality books for authors looking to publish their work to the highest possible standard. We use the same design, production and printing processes as mainstream commercial publishers in the UK, ensuring that our authors get the best quality printed book possible that looks right at home on bookshop shelves, giving it the best chance of selling.

Want to learn more about self-publishing?

For a more in-depth look at what is involved in self-publishing your book, download our free helpful guide that takes you through the process step-by-step.

Copy editing and proof reading

Copy editing and proof reading

While nobody knows your work better than you, a copy edit and/or a proofread can ensure that your work is presented in the best possible way…

Text design and typesetting

Text design and typesetting

The look of your book is crucial in ensuring it is of the same standard as a commercially published book. Text design and typesetting are central to this…

Cover design

Cover design

While a book cover is not the only important design element of a book, it is the thing that will catch the eye of readers first...

Ready to start your publishing journey?

Talk to one of our publishing experts today and we'll help guide you through the next steps to getting your book published and ready for sale.

ISBN, bibliographic and copyright registration

It may not be the most exciting part of an author’s self-publishing journey, but an ISBN and its associated metadata are crucial to getting books into retailers and discoverable by readers…



Finding and working with an illustrator can be a complicated process for an author to navigate alone. With our illustration service, we do the heavy lifting and you get the illustrations you want for your book…



The process of printing can be a minefield. Printers vary in the equipment they use, and costs can be wildly different. An author working alone can struggle to know which quote is best for them...

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We help authors get published and their books sold

We help authors get published and their books sold

We help authors get published and their books sold

Start a no-obligation conversation with one of our publishing experts to discuss what your self-publishing goals are and how best you can achieve them.

What you'll get:
  • An informal chat about your project
  • Ask an expert anything about self-publishing
  • Helpful, honest advice on the options available to you
  • No obligation, commitment or hard sell