Use the search box or categories below to find the answers to your questions.
Will I make any money from selling my books?
We'll be totally honest - self-publishing a book is not an easy way to make money and we cannot guarantee that every author will do so. There are so many variables that go into whether an author achieves sales success or not, with many of those variables being outside Troubador's control. The profits and losses for each book will vary. We are happy to advise on the likely returns for authors using individual figures, at the time at which an initial quotation being prepared.
How long will it take to publish and print my book?
The average timescale from signed contract signature to printed book is around 18-28 weeks. This timescale varies depending on the service you choose and the time it takes you, as the author, to approve each stage of the process. If you are taking any editorial services with us, the timescale is likely to be closer to 22-32 weeks. Our Customer Service team will be able to advise on a more specific timescale while discussing the details of your quote and contract with you.
I want illustrations for my book, can you produce these for me?
We do not have illustrators in-house at Troubador, however, we have recommended illustrators with whom we have worked with in the past that we are happy to recommend. Please email us on [email protected] for further information.
Can I use my own ISBN?
Although most authors will opt to use a Troubador ISBN, we are happy to work with authors who would like to use their own ISBN. When using your own ISBN, there are some responsibilities that you need to be aware of. Please see our mor detailed information on using your own ISBN.
Can I include song lyrics in my book?
Owing to copyright laws, authors are not permitted to use song lyrics within their book without first obtaining copyright permission to do so. Even quoting a single line from a song that is in copyright without permisison can result in a fine. Please see our more detailed information on using song lyrics.
What percentage of royalties will I receive as the author?
How much you receive per sale can vary between 25%–85%, depending on where the book is sold. Each retailer will take a different percentage from your RRP. Please see our further information on royalties.
I don't want to use your cover design service as I already have my own. Can I do this?
We are happy to work with authors who have their own cover design. We would first need to see the design in order to ensure we are able to work with it and it has been set-up up to the correct specifications. Please see our further information on this.
Will someone read my whole book and tell me how commercial it will be?
When we review our manuscript submissions, we do not read the whole manuscript (we'd love to if time permitted!). Instead, we typically read sections from the beginning, middle and end to ensure we are happy with the quality of the writing. Provided that the writing does not require substantial editorial work and does not pose any legal issues, we will be happy to take on the work for publication.
What format do you need my manuscript in?
We ideally ask our authors to supply their manuscripts to us as Microsoft Word documents. However, we are also happy to work with manuscripts in other formats. Please contact our Customer Services team at [email protected] to discuss this further.
Can you help me with copyright permission?
We are not copyright experts, but we can advise authors to the best of our knowledge. As a self-published author, should you require copyright permission for any content within the manuscript, you will have to arrange this yourself. We have made available further information on copyright material that should help you.
How is the cover price of my book decided?
As the author you have final say on the cover price of your book (the Recommended Retail Price - RRP); however, we have recommended retail pricing guidelines for different genres of books and are happy to advise.
Can I choose the specifications for my book?
Of course you can. If you have any preferred specifications for your book (eg. paper type and colour, cover finishes, book size, etc.), please provide this information when submitting your manuscript. If you do not have any preferred specifications, this is also fine – we will base the book's specifications on what we would expect such a title to be printed as. This initial quotation can then be discussed and refined to ensure your book looks and feels as you wish it to.
Can I see a sample book?
We are happy to arrange for sample books to be sent to our authors so that you can see the quality of our beautiful books, and the materials used in printing. Please contact our Customer Services team to request a sample at [email protected].
Do I need a copy edit or proof read?
Our editorial services are usually optional; however, we will advise if we think an edit is essential before the book is published. We do strongly advise that all authors have their manuscript copy edited and proof read (it does not have to be carried out by us). Authors work so closely with their manuscript that they understandably may experience 'author blindness' and read what the manuscript should say and not what it actually does say, allowing errors to slip through. An impartial editor who is new to the work going through the manuscript is usually beneficial in ensuring a manuscript is as error-free as possible before typesetting.
Do you take on every manuscript you receive?
No. We reject about 10–15% of all submissions we receive. This is usually because the manuscript requires more editorial work than we can offer, presents possible legal issues or contains offensive content. When reviewing a manuscript, we do not assess it from a commercial angle – i.e. how well the book will sell – as we have authors coming to us for all sorts of different reasons, but we will check the editorial quality and that we are happy to put our name to the work.
How many copies of my book should I print?
We typically advise authors to scale their print run to the level of marketing they are undertaking, and to err on the side of caution – money spent on printing books that do not sell is wasted and you can always reprint a title if it is selling well. The majority of our authors will start with a print run of between 100 and 500 copies (we store up to 300 copies for free in our warehouse), but this does vary by author. Our Customer Services team will be happy to discuss your self-publishing objectives and advise on the quantity most suitable to achieve them.
Can you go to a famous person for an endorsement to put on my cover?
For an endorsement to be added to your book's cover, this would need to be obtained fairly early on in the production process, often before the book has been edited and/or typeset; the marketing campaign that is run for your book would be at a later stage in the process, so you would need to obtain any reviews that you would like to be used in the printed book in advance yourself, as this is not a service that we offer. If your book receives an endorsement or review from a credible relevant source after the first print run has been published, we can discuss the addition of such quotes to subsequent print runs.
I've got a manuscript ready to submit what do I need to do next?
The next stage is for you to get in touch with us and submit your manuscript for our consideration. Please complete our 'Get Started' form that you can find at the top right-hand side of our website and we will be in touch within 48hrs to discuss the next steps of your publishing journey.
Can I supply print-ready files?
We are happy to be flexible when it comes to what services our authors require, and recognise that some authors may already have their books designed and ready to print. We are happy to work with such projects, provided that the files meet the printers' specifications required. Note that in supplying prit-ready files, we do no more than check that they will print; the content, layout, image resolution and all formatting is entirely your responsibility. More detailed guidelines on supplying print-ready files can be found here.
Will my book be available overseas?
If you have a Troubador ISBN your book will be available for sale in the UK as standard, but if you are interested in making your book available for sale in overseas territories, we do offer an International Distribution Service. Read more about this service on our website.
How will my book be printed?
We offer print-on-demand printing, short run digital printing as well as printing larger quantities lithographically. We strive to print all books in the UK, to minimise road miles. The print route that is best for your book and location will be dependent on your aims for your book and the services that you have chosen; this is something that our Customer Services team will advise you on as part of the initial quotation process.
How should I supply the images in my book?
All images supplied to us should be as separate jpegs, with a minimum resolution of 300dpi. If you're unsure as to whether your images are suitable, our team will be on-hand to advise, or download our factsheet. Note that images taken from the internet are usually in copyright elsewhere and often therefore unusable without permission from the copyright holder. Images taken from the internet are also invariably at a low resolution (typically only 96dpi), and again are therefore unusable in a printed book (they will print out. of focus).
What happens if I run out of books?
If you run out of books we have a team on hand who will be able to provide you with a quotation for reprinting (reprinting usually takes around four weeks). If, as part of the reprint, you would like to make amendments to your previously printed title, we advise allowing at least two weeks for this process to be carried out (the timescale is dependent on the number and complexity of changes required). If you are thinking of reprinting your book as stocks are low, please do email us and we will be happy to advise.
How long does printing my book take?
Printing a book generally takes 3-4 weeks from the moment we send it to the printers, depending on the complexity of your book's specifications. For example, a hardback book generally takes a little longer to print than a paperback. Print timescales can also vary slightly depending on the printers' capacity at one time (the run up to Christmas being a particularly busy time), something we are not able to influence.
Do you organise book launches/events?
No, that is not something we offer. However, we are happy to help promote an event on our social media channels, provide marketing materials you may need for the big day (costs apply), and help a bookshop secure stock.
Why can't I see which bookshops are stocking my book?
While we will happily supply a retailer directly through our distribution setup, the majority of bookshops prefer to order their stock through a wholesaler (such as Gardners, the UK's main wholesaler). As this is a third party, we are not privy to their orders from retailers, and can only see the order they place with us for stock. We do not know which bookshops a wholesaler's order is then sold to by the wholesaler.
Why is an online retailer showing my book at a lower/higher price?
We set the RRP (the recommended retailer price) for our books. While retailers will purchase the book at that price (minus any trade discount that has been negotiated), they have every right then to list the book at whatever price they believe it will sell best at. We know authors worry that they are then losing out on their royalties, but rest assured, no matter what discount a retailer is listing a book at, they will have paid the same price regardless of whether they are discounting it. So if a retailer is discounting a book, this is a good thing as they will be funding that discount, and a discount will help the book to sell.
When should I order a reprint of more copies of my book?
There is no exact science as to when the stock of the book will sell out and you will need to have a reprint of your title. Book retailers and wholesalers will order copies of the book from us, but they then need to sell those books on to their customers. So there can be a while before they come back and order more copies from us. They are also allowed to send copies back to us if they do not sell through, which is when you can get 'returns' on your title showing on your royalty statement (most books are sold on a 'Sale Or Return' basis in the UK). It is best to keep an eye on the number of copies you have left in our warehouse, and get in contact with us when that seems to be getting low. We do also try and keep an eye on the stock of your title, but it is best to regularly check this.
Can you guarantee media coverage?
Sadly not. While we would love to promise that there will be some media interest in your book, we are entirely dependent on third parties (i.e. journalists, producers) being interested in a title – we cannot force someone to take an interest in a book. This is often not a reflection on the book: there may have been something similar covered recently, that particular journalist may not be interested, the timing is wrong, etc. What we can promise is that we will do our best to draft an interesting press release and a comprehensive media list to send it out to, and to tailor each pitch to journalists to maximise our chances of getting a book noticed, also conducting follow-ups after a few weeks to nudge as much interest as we can out of these contacts. We also act as your liasion to the press when needed, and will always keep you aware of any further interest that comes in, even after our active marketing has ended.
Do you run the same media campaign for each book?
No. Each campaign we run is bespoke to a particular book, for the simple reason that this is the best method of trying to secure interest. By tailoring each media list to the book, we are sending information out to the media contacts most likely to be interested in your book, and therefore increasing the odds at securing coverage. While we do have media contacts we may reach out to from previous campaigns, our publicists craft a campaign that is 100% tailored around your book to give both of us the best chance of coverage.
Can I suggest media outlets/journalists to reach out to as part of the media campaign?
Absolutely. While we have our industry experience behind us, you are the most passionate advocate for your book and know it best. We are happy to discuss your additions to the media list, bearing in mind that the contacts need to be media that is based in the UK and those we can find contact details for. We see this as a collaboration and one that works best when we work together.
Can/Do you send out ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) to reviewers?
We do not work in the same way as a mainstream publisher, in that we are limited to the final print run you decide on and pay for when the book is ready to go to print. A mainstream publisher may print a small number of advanced copies to send to influencers/journalists ahead of time, but this isn't financially feasible for most authors to do. We do send out digital review copies when we run our marketing campaign, and invite bloggers and other professional readers to access the copy on NetGalley, but we cannot run an ARC campaign for you.
Do you produce marketing materials, i.e. posters, bookmarks?
Yes! We offer a range of marketing materials, both physical and digital, as supplementary items you can order any time after you have an approved front cover. Whether you need a poster advertising a book event, bookmarks to pass out at an event or graphics to use on your social media channels, our marketing team can assist with bespoke designs on a range of marketing materials based around your book. And if there is an item not listed on our website or in our Supplementary Marketing Materials handbook, please speak to a member of the team - we have designed various bespoke items such as mugs, tote bags and Christmas cards in the past, and are happy to discuss whatever you may need.
Can you send my book to Waterstones (or any other bookshop) so they will stock it?
While we would love to promise that your book will be stocked in bookshops, but as that decision lies solely with the retailers, we can't 'guarantee' that a particular retailer will stock a title. We can only respond to orders, not send books out speculatively in the hopes that a bookshop will choose to stock it. Our emphasis is on ensuring the book is easily available to order by retailers, and ensuring as efficient a distribution process as possible.
Can I make a change to the Amazon entry for my book?
Yes, but only after the book has been published. Up until the time of publication, Amazon will take information about new titles from Nielsen Bookdata. After it has been published, and we have become the official supplier of that title, we do get access to some of the information about the book on Amazon, but not to all of the information there. Anything we amend still needs to be approved by Amazon, so it can take some time to be implemented, but they do normally agree to the changes we request.
What is the best way of getting stock to an author event I am setting up with a bookshop?
There are a number of different ways bookshops might wish to source books for an author event. We are very happy to supply them directly if they wish to order books from us. Alternatively, they may wish to order stock through a wholesaler. However they wish to obtain books, please ask them to order the stock for any event at least three weeks in advance, and go back to your contact at the bookshop to make sure this has happened. Bookshops can be very slow in placing orders for and getting copies of a book, and then have a last-minute panic when they realise they may not have books in time for the event.
Can you go to xx famous person for an endorsement to put on my cover?
For an endorsement to be added to your book's cover, this would need to be obtained fairly early on in the production process, often before the book has been edited and/or typeset; the marketing campaign that is run for your book would be at a later stage in the process, so you would need to obtain any reviews that you would like to be used in the printed book in advance yourself, as this is not a service that we offer. If your book receives an endorsement or review from a credible relevant source after the first print run has been published, we can discuss the addition of such quotes to subsequent print runs.
I've had a good review on NetGalley. Can you post this on Amazon?
Unfortunately, no. As your publisher, we cannot post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or any other retailer or review platform, on behalf of a third-party reviewer. This is because the review would show with our publisher name against it, and a publisher reviewing their own title will (rightly) be considered to be biased. Amazon has very strict review policies, and the review would either not make it past their approval stage, or it would be removed very quickly. We do encourage anyone who leaves a positive review on NetGalley to also post it on Amazon, if they haven't done so already – but it is ultimately their decision as to whether or not they do this.
Why is an online retailer showing my book as not in stock/available in 1 - 2 weeks?
Today retailers are a lot more cautious about immediately ordering in stock of an unknown title, and this has led to many retailers waiting to see what kind of demand there is for a book. This may mean that they list a book as avialble, but do not order copies into their warehouse. That is when an author may see a listing where it says 'available in X amount of time'. Once they see a demand for the book, the retailers are then more likely to order a copy to fulfil the order(s), and perhaps other copies to have for future sale. Additionally, the book trade can move quite slowly, so even though we have copies available in our warehouse, it still takes time for an order to be placed by a retailer, for our warehouse team to ship it, and for it to be received and processed by the retailer. Very often when a retailer or wholesaler has your book listed as 'out of stock' or 'temporarily out of stock', this is because there is an order in the system but it is moving slowly through it. We are only able to send copies of any book to a retailer if we have received an order from them; we cannot simply send copies to retailers ad hoc... not only would they be unlikely to pay for them, they would be likely to destroy them.
How much will it cost to have my book edited?
The cost for our editorial services is based on the word count of your book, and on the amount of work required (especially with poorly formatted and writtten manuscripts). Bespoke editorial costs for your book will be included on your quotation.
Should I get a copy-edit or proof read, or both?
Both a copy edit and a proof read are incredibly useful for getting your manuscript into the best shape it can be for publication. However, they provide very different services, which must be considered when thinking about what to opt for. A copy edit is an in-depth, corrective edit of a manuscript prior to typesetting/layout, which looks for any mistakes in spelling, grammar, consistency and style. It’s a deep dive into your story, to make it as correct and as publishable as possible. A copy edit is not is a critique of the manuscript. A proof read is a final read-through of the typeset book, to ensure there are no remaining surface-level errors. Ideally, both services are recommended... though if it’s a choice between the two, the best gift you can give your work is a copy edit – a more thorough, more intensive edit, which will increase accuracy and readability. In addition to a proof read carried out by an experienced proof reader, though, we always advise authors to read their typeset book carefully, as you will spot errors!
Will I have ongoing contact with my editor?
If you have any questions, queries or comments after the completion of an edit, these will be dealt with by our Assistant Editorial Manager, either by answering them directly or by being an intermediary with your editor. This means that you will have a consistent point of contact to refer to for anything editorial.
How long will it take to edit my book?
Whether a copy edit or a proof read, our editorial services take approximately 4–8 weeks to complete as, although it may only take a week to carry out the work, an editor may not be immediately available to edit your book as they have other work booked in.
Will the editor of my book comment on its structure, pace and characterisation?
The two editorial services that we offer (a copy edit and/or a proof read) are corrective, not opinionated, and therefore the editor will not comment on aspects such as characterisation, pace or structure. However, we do offer an opinionated edit service through our sister company,, if you are looking for a more in-depth edit, which may prompt a redraft of your book. This service includes a copy edit, alongside a feedback document in which the editor will advise on areas such as target audience and genre, structure, narrative and dialogue.
How will my manuscript be marked up?
For a copy edit service, your manuscript will be marked up using 'track changes' in Microsoft Word. Any amendments, additions or deletions will be recorded as a 'track changes' or as a comment on the MS Word document, which you will then be able to review and either accept or reject. A proof read mark-up is different – as the book has been typeset, the editor will read through your manuscript as a PDF file and mark-up any changes using standard proof marks on the PDF itself (you will be provided with a proof mark guide, detailing what each mark means).
Will the images in my ebook show in colour?
Yes, as long as the device it's being viewed on has a colour screen. For devices that do not have a colour screen, images will display in black and white.
Can I include images in an ebook?
Yes, our Digital team will ensure that images are formatted so that they display optimally across all e-reading devices.
If I publish an ebook only, what's the timescales for making my ebook available?
The timescale depends on what services you opt for, but on average ranges from 4-8 weeks. An author opting for a copy edit as well as our ebook production services (including cover design and ebook conversion) would be looking at a timescale of around 8 weeks, whereas an author who has already had their manuscript edited elsewhere and who is only looking for ebook production and cover design is likely to be around 4 weeks. The actual timescale is influenced by the author as we require an author's approval at various stages of the process.
Will you assign an ISBN to my ebook?
Yes, all ebooks published under the Troubador imprint will be assigned an ISBN.
If I proceed with an Ebook Only quotation, does this include a print on demand paperback version?
No. If you have a quotation put together for an ebook by a member of the Digital team, this will be a quotation for an ebook only. If you wanted a printed book in 'print-on-demand' format alongside this, then our Customer Services team will be able to put together a quotation for you for this option. The reason that an ebook quotation does not include a print-on-demand version is because books and printed books have to be formatted in different ways, so your manuscript would need to go through our printed book production process, not just the ebook production process. The ebook file we would be creating for you from an ebook quotation will be an ebook-specific file, and it cannot be printed as a book. Contact us here for more details: [email protected]
What retailers do you sell audiobooks through?
We offer two audiobook distribution services that the author can choose between: our Basic Distribution Service, which makes an audiobook available on Amazon, Audible and Apple; and our Full Audiobook Distribution Service, which makes our audiobooks available through Amazon, Audible, Apple, Google Play, Kobo, Spotify, Youtube and via many other retailers.
What retailers do you sell books through?
We have a large international ebook distribution network, including supplying to Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble US, Kobo and Google Play, as well as through distributors, subscription services and library suppliers worldwide, to ensure our ebooks reach as wide an international audience as possible.
I do not want to publish a printed book, can I publish an ebook only with you?
Yes! If you'd like a quotation for publishing an ebook only, please send your manuscript to the Digital team who will let you know the next steps: [email protected]
I am a retailer that has seen some information on a title and would like to order some stock to sell. How can we do that?
In order for us to supply retailers directly we need them to set up an account with us. Head to the 'Trade Orders' page on our website for more information on how to do this. Once an account is set up, an initial order can be processed and shipped within 5 working days.
Can I have a tracking number for my bookshop order?
Standard orders placed through the website are sent by a non-tracked postal service in the UK. Please allow 3-5 working days for your order to arrive. To arrange a tracked delivery, or if you wish to order in bulk, please contact the bookshop team on [email protected] prior to placing an order on our website.
Do you accept all manuscripts that are submitted to you?
We are a non-judgmental company that understands authors have diverse reasons for publishing their books. However, we do not accept every submission. Our team carefully reviews each manuscript to ensure there are no legal issues and that it meets a standard where our editorial services can effectively refine it for publication.
Are there any hidden costs?
No. Before you sign a contract with us we make sure that you know exactly how much you will be spending throughout the process and roughly when you'll receive those invoices given the current services you have selected. There are three reasons why your costs may change throughout the publishing process. Firstly, if you want to add or remove services that you have opted for in your contract. Secondly, if any contracted limitations are exceeded (for example, you require more sets of amendments to your manuscript than is stated in our contract) throughout the process - however you'll be made aware of this as soon as possible. Finally, the cost of printing quoted is based on an estimated page extent, so it may increase or decrease, depending on the final typeset page extent of your book (which cannot be known until it is actually completed).
What are the payment terms for publishing my book, can I pay in installments?
Although we do not accept payment in instalments, payments are already staggered across the course of publication. We do not ask for all publishing services to be paid up-front. We ask for an initial deposit of £500 when you return your contract, then any remaining services you have chosen will be invoiced as and when the work is carried out. Please contact our Customer Services team at [email protected] to discuss this further.
How much does it cost to publish my book?
The exact cost of publication will vary for each author, as there are many variable factors that have to be considered, e.g. length of the book, format(s) required, use of images in colour, paper type, book size, etc. We have given some example pricing as a guideline for authors of what they can expect to spend when looking at popular services, though we always supply a written, no-obligation quotation based on an individual manuscript, and then refine that to suit an author's budget and aims. See the 'Pricing' section above for examples of typical prices authors can expect.
We'd be happy to answer any questions that you still have. Head to our contact us page to ask us a question directly.