Layered Reality is a candid dialogue between a truth seeker, a semi-fictional character who personifies the author, and a highly evolved channelled spirit entity, Zachariah.
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Layered Reality is a candid dialogue between a truth seeker, a semi-fictional character who personifies the author, and a highly evolved channelled spirit entity, Zachariah.
Zachariah is an aspect of the same soul as the well-known ascended master Djwal Khul channelled by Alice Bailey in the early part of the 20th century. Zachariah and Djwal Khul share the same soul wisdom, however, Zachariah has a more lively and bubbly personality.
In the form of a relaxed conversation, this book addresses fundamental questions relating to the nature of existence. The truth seeker and Zachariah cover topics such as the nature of time, causality, the soul, reincarnation, and the spirit realm.
Encompassing aspects such as morality and the intersection between science and spirituality, the discussion then turns to more practical issues such as how to live a meaningful life and practice meditation.