Taxi Tales From Paris is not your typical account of what happens when you move to another country. Nicky Gentil’s memoir offers the reader a truly original insight into life in the French capital because, as the title suggests, everything is seen through the prism of her most memorable taxi rides taken during the thirty years she has lived there.
Hugely entertaining, with some delightful comic touches, Gentil’s tales cover a wide variety of subjects such as her love of her adoptive country, the cultural differences she frequently encounters, the joys of parenthood, or indeed her ever-present passion for jazz, to quote but a few examples.
By the end of this book, as with any memoir set in the City of Light, you will immediately want to leap on board the next Eurostar going but, on this occasion, with one very specific aim in mind: to jump – upon arriving in Paris – into the very first taxi you see!
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
I don't know what it is about Paris but it is a city that gets under your skin. You cannot fail to fall completely in love with it. I am a total Francophile and I love books set in Paris, even more so when it is a non-fictional account of this beautiful city. It is with this in mind that I have to tell you about this gorgeous book Taxi Tales from Paris. It is a book made up of quirky encounters that author Nicky Gentil has had with taxi drivers in Paris. The tales were delightful. They were funny, cute, endearing and all show how these journeys and encounters have helped shape Gentil's many years in Paris. It is an adorable book which is over far too quickly. You should probably treasure and take your time with Taxi Tales from Paris but I couldn't put it down. Pick up Taxi Tales from Paris. You will be awfully glad you did.
A lovely read, perfect for summer. Enjoyable, entertaining and will stand up to repeat readings. Inspires me to want to travel more.
Beautiful and lovely this book was such a nice read. Thank you for letting me have a change to enjoy this gorgeous story.
I really enjoyed "Taxi Tales from Paris" by Nicky Gentil. It is a collection of stories about rides in Taxis the author tskes in the city of Love, Paris. This was funny and well written. It is a wonderful book to help you travel to anothrr country and give you a few laughs and sone smiles during this time of "stay-at-home" orders and quarantines. I think this book is wonderful. I highly recommend it if you want a laugh or just something to take your mind off of everything.
Taxi Tales From Paris is not your typical account of what happens when you move to another country. Nicky Gentil's memoir offers the reader a truly original insight into life in the French capital because, as the title suggests, everything is seen through the prism of her most memorable taxi rides taken during the thirty years she has lived there. Hugely entertaining, with some delightful comic touches, Gentil's tales cover a wide variety of subjects such as her love of her adoptive country, the cultural differences she frequently encounters, the joys of parenthood, or indeed her ever-present passion for jazz, to quote but a few examples. By the end of this book, as with any memoir set in the City of Light, you will immediately want to leap on board the next Eurostar going but, on this occasion, with one very specific aim in mind: to jump upon arriving in Paris into the very first taxi you see! My Review For anyone who has visited Paris and would like to visit Paris this is a great example and enjoyable read that transforms you to the streets of Paris through the eyes of Nicky Gentil. It is greatly done and very entertaining. I highly recommend for anyone who wants to have a slice of Paris easily detailed. Definitely a coffee table book.