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Here's what readers have to say about this book....
It was a privilege to read the heartfelt adventures of a life so well travelled. The love, the happiness, and the pain of Michael's journey are courageously shared in this, his most recent passionate work. Readers will undoubtedly find strength in this honest remarkable soul-bearing autobiography and will learn how the process of Self Enquiry is so much more than a philosophy of personal discovery, but a pillar of support, an endless well of creativity, and a universal call to action from the heart of Being. More than that, he explains how recognising our natural state is the key to healing ourselves, others, and this beautiful planet we call our home. Read it now, remember who you are, then act from That!
There are a few books which just seem to connect, as if they're speaking directly to your heart at a pivotal time in life. Self Enquiry, A Testimony is one such book. It provides a gateway to discovering the true self that has been trapped by either the story we tell ourselves or the conditioning layered upon us. A captivating personal account of a journey out of conditioned existence, into the freedom of being true to yourself. The simple and effective method of Self Enquiry is demonstrated by Michael's powerfully honest and open story of how he dropped all that isn't him. This and Michael's other books have opened a pathway to freedom for me to have the courage to be true to myself, empowering me to approach the world in a more loving way.