Goodbye White Rose is the heart-breaking story of Harisun Abdulwahab, written by her daughter Gina Azizah.
‘With every mistake that my mum made in her life she learnt from those experiences. And with my mum, she was a strong believer that whatever mistake she made, it was never too late for her to become who she wanted to be.’
Harisun was born in December 1945 and grew up in the Malaysian countryside. She was an intelligent and beautiful girl, always at one with nature, collecting vegetables and fishing for her mother. When she was just twelve years old her mother passed away from childbirth complications and with little to no help from her father, she was forced to look after her young brother and newborn sister.
At the young age of eighteen, she was forced to marry a man she didn’t love and experienced a very dark and difficult marriage. She continued to stay positive, for her four young children and always believed God was by her side, guiding her.
Goodbye White Rose is the heart-breaking story of Harisun Abdulwahab, written by her daughter Gina Azizah.
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