In 1959, sixteen year old April is attacked and left for dead. Rescued two days later, she finds herself in the year 1999 and everyone she knew forty years ago is gone.
Struggling to adjust, she discovers that she isn't living in her own future but a more dangerous place marked by the unexplained disappearances of people claiming to have moved through time. Escaping with new friends across the country, April survives an assassination attempt, a group of religious fundamentalist's intent on kidnap and the attentions of the police who are searching for her. However, equally frightening are her physical seizures accompanied by terrifying visions that are getting worse with time.
Back in 1959, a girl is found lying in a ditch. Although in a coma, she is identified as April. She eventually recovers and begins to tell her strange story of being in 1999. Widely assumed to have dreamed such strange ideas, April's account finds little sympathetic reception until she meets a nineteen year old student called Richard - a man whom she had met as a Cambridge professor in 1999.