This book is a distillation of over 50 years of sailing experience, describing small-boat voyaging from a unique and deeply considered perspective.
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Full synopsis
Aged just 23, and already set on a life of adventure, Roger Taylor signed up as an able seaman on the square-rigger Endeavour II, bound from Australia to New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. It was the realisation of a boyhood dream. The dream was cruelly shattered when the ship was caught in a fierce tropical storm off the coast of northern New Zealand. For several days, the young crew fought in horrific conditions to keep the ship off the hostile cliffs to leeward. Their efforts were in vain. Nothing could save the ship as it was driven towards the shore. At one in the morning the ship finally struck land. With mountainous seas and storm force winds there was little chance of survival. Death seemed inevitable; the ordeal over. In fact it had hardly begun...
Having narrowly survived this formative experience, Roger resolved that from then on he would only ever go to sea on his own terms, single-handed and in small, easily manageable yachts. He built the 19’ ocean cruiser Roc and sailed her in the 1974 Trans Tasman Single-handed Yacht Race, only the sixth ever solo ocean race. In the early part of this voyage Roc was rolled in huge seas, the main steering was damaged and the self-steering smashed beyond repair. Roger hand-steered for nearly 30 days, only to encounter one of the worst storms recorded off the east coast of Australia.
Roger went on to sail many thousands of ocean miles, all the while refining his simple approach. This book is a distillation of over 50 years of sailing experience, describing small-boat voyaging from a unique and deeply considered perspective.
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