
Biography of a Yogini

One Soul in Two Bodies

Released: 28th November, 2024
A unique book that relates the life story of two exceptional beings, one human, the other non-human who both showed incorruptibility after death.



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Full synopsis

This unique book tells about the life of two exceptional beings, one human, the other non-human. Both showed miraculous incorruptibility after death. Their bodies have been buried together after the Mauritian Health authorities conducted an independent investigation and certified the miracle.

The miraculous incorruptibility of Yogini Shubh Veer’s body created a sensation at the Lord Veer Siddha Ashram, on the island of Mauritius. She was kept at room temperature at the ashram from the 8th of August 2022 to the next new moon day on the 27th when the final rites were performed. Special permission was received for burial on the ashram premises from local health authorities, who had conducted an independent investigation.

Yogini Shubh Veer was buried together with Jet, a German Shepherd whose body had shown similar incorruptibility 28 years back. Jet had been her constant companion for a decade. After five months of burial, Jet’s body was disinterred intact on July 9th, 1994. Jet was kept inside the ashram, waiting to be sent together with her eternal companion. One soul in two bodies.

This is a gift revealed from the Absolute God for the whole of humanity.

Edited by NISHK

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Nitish Beeharry

A testament of divine intervention and spiritual perfection. The incorruptible state of Yoginiji’s and Jet’s bodies is a testament of hope, unity, and the divine potential within all beings, irrespective of creed, religion and race.

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