Sport & Hobbies
All too often, pain in ridden horses is labelled as 'bad' behaviour. The apparently ‘sound’ horse is 'naughty', 'lazy', 'difficult', 'explosive', 'spooky', 'nappy', and more. These labels are wrong. Pain impacts all aspects of a horse's performance, including its partnership with the rider, and its potential to progress. It does not always create lameness. Relieving pain can lead to greater potential, a deeper partnership, and improved performance.
In ‘Harmonious Horsemanship: Use of the Ridden Horse Ethogram to Optimise Potential, Partnership and Performance', Sue Dyson and Sue Palmer share their professional knowledge and experience. You will learn how to use a checklist of 24 behaviours to check for musculoskeletal pain in ridden horses. The book includes a gripping mix of research studies, contributions from industry experts, and real-life case studies. Only by first recognising pain can we then address it through accurate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.
This book, full of practical tools and backed by solid robust science, teaches you how to use ridden behaviour to recognise the subtle signs of pain, even in horses that appear to be sound. It is for anyone who cares about the horse, whether you are an interested amateur owner or an experienced equestrian professional. Together, we can make the world a better place for horses.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Too often horses are labelled “bad” or “naughty” when they are actually in pain. Dr Sue Dyson’s ridden horse pain ethogram – also known as the ridden horse performance checklist – is a list of 24 behaviours that can be used to recognise musculoskeletal pain in horses which are not obviously lame. As well as covering the background of how and why the ethogram came about, this book focuses on educating equestrians on how to apply the checklist to their own horses, and includes many real-life case studies. It also contains numerous photos showing multiple examples of each of the 24 behaviours being shown by horses, to help equestrians visualise the signs. The book poses important questions to the reader throughout, promoting us to reconsider some long-held assumptions and beliefs we may have about our horses. It also offers advice on where to go next if you find your horse is showing signs of pain when you apply the ridden horse performance checklist, and includes a useful set of FAQs covering a wide range of questions that may cross your mind along the way. Numerous experts – from vets to farriers to physical therapists to saddle fitters – have contributed their thoughts on ridden horse behaviour to the book, providing additional insight through the lens of their professional speciality. For an educational reference book, I found the language easy to follow as it doesn’t get bogged down in too much veterinary terminology. That said, there is a lot of information to take on board so I did need to take breaks from reading to give my brain time to process the information being imparted. I think this is a book that I will return to time and again. It will help me to become a more informed owner and rider who can advocate clearly on my horse’s behalf when speaking to equine professionals about my horse’s well-being. Verdict If everyone involved with ridden horses, whether as a rider, trainer or carer, would read this book, the world would be a better place for horses in all situations.
An absolute must-read! A fully informative read. Your horse will thank you.
Amazing book, totally recommend! I love this book it's very informative and helpful. I would buy it a million times! 100% recommend. Don't hesitate to buy it as you won't regret it
Wow finally a book to enable us to try and get a true partnership with our horses, to read the signs on how they may be feeling and to trust the scientific processes and yourself to reach that goal. A must-buy for all horse riders.
Your horse wants you to read this book! If you have any love for your horse – read this book. I rode at a high level (English U21 dressage) 25 years ago. Looking back on my experiences after reading Harmonious Horsemanship made me cringe. Standard practices were forceful, harsh and draconian. Memories of lessons with top trainers floated through my mind. No-one ever suggested that my very beautiful, and talented Welton bred gelding might be in pain when it repeatedly reared. My trainer used to “set up” my rangy Hanoverian for me, so that I could ride him between lessons. I wish this book had been written back then, I wish I had the knowledge I have now. But while we can’t fix the past, we can fix the future. Listen to your horses, they are talking to you – they are telling you to read this book!