The worm is turning! For years, Leaseholders of Flats have suffered under current Landlord and Tenant legislation and practices – owning a Lease has been an expensive exercise for many (over which they have had little control), when they had no idea of the potential issues they were facing when they bought their Flat. The Government have now recognised this and have committed to a substantial reform of such legislation (starting with zero Ground Rents for new Leases). Lenders have also recognised this by refusing to lend on Leases having unfair rent review clauses. These two issues are just the tip of the iceberg. Leaseholders should now join the growing momentum to force changes which will benefit them as a Leaseholder and take action to address issues which are affecting them.
Leases Can Seriously Damage Your Wealth has been written by someone who loves dealing with Leases and has been lucky enough to spend their lengthy career working with them, advising Landlords, Leaseholders, Property Managers and Managing Agents. In plain English, this book provides the Leaseholder with a handbook, guiding them through the terms of a Lease and explaining what rights they already have to protect them and how to use them to their advantage, as well as making them aware of proposed changes. Obtaining formal legal advice is extremely expensive, but this Book gives Leaseholders the information that they need at a fraction of the cost. It also gives details as to what reforms are in the pipeline (there will be updates on the associated web site), as well as recommendations as to what the Leaseholder can - and should - do now.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Every barrister, solicitor, architect, surveyor, estate agent or any other professional engaged in any way relating to leases MUST buy a copy of this excellent reference work. Everyone tells you that all leases are standard or that they know all about leases. Be assured they know nothing. This man is the only person who really understands leases and I have had 50 years associated with construction and design. Buy two - one for your desk and one for the bookshelf.
This really is a great book to help leaseholders understand their lease and the obligations within it. I found the information concise and easy to understand without unnecessary legal jargon. I liked the recommended action' box at the end of each chapter too. The content is up to date and relevant and I would recommend this book to any leaseholder. A really excellent read!
This is a really helpful book to all laymen. I have been in law all my life and cannot stress enough how the author has made this book so easy to follow and understand your own Lease! Will definitely be recommending this!