
Look Inside

by Sanna Battelle
Released: 28th August, 2024
A simple and clear self-help handbook to help people navigate within their complex worlds. It invites the reader to think carefully about their world. To think through where they are now and how to manage both their path forward and their daily challenges. The images and complementary text are designed to be simple and charming.

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Full synopsis

When I appreciate what I have, I instantly have more”

“We all have a gift to share with the world, my gift has its own special place in the world”

“In every situation I always chose good, that makes my decisions a lot easier”

Where do you turn to when you need to work out a way forward? How do you make the most of your skills and potential? This book is for us all, to answer those questions. Through a set of simple yet powerful and beautifully illustrated pages the book is full of practical ideas for how, if you “Look Inside”, you can unlock your powers and your positivity to manage your way to happiness and wellbeing, to make your world a brighter and happier place for you to live your life to your fullest possible potential.

The book asks you to look again at your challenges; to trust the answers that you find in your wonderful capabilities; to embrace the answers in nature around you; to focus on what you can do to reduce complexity; and to use your capacity to love to empower your future.

The central thesis of Look Inside is one of enduring hope. We have the power to determine our own future, we have the strength to push ourselves forward and we have love on our side on that journey.

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