Poetry, Short Stories & Plays

The Man Who

by Thom Cree
Released: 28th September, 2023

The Man Who is an epic collection of tales of morality, love, violence and depravity set against beautifully evoked landscapes of 19th-century America’s virgin plains; tombs and sacred temples of Egypt and Nubia; and the internal machinations of British Intelligence.



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Full synopsis

The Man Who is an epic collection of tales of morality, love, violence and depravity set against beautifully evoked landscapes of 19th-century America’s West; tombs and sacred temples of Egypt and Nubia; and the internal machinations of British Intelligence. Each story brilliantly invalidates the cunning and motive of humanity and its inherent desire to subvert its existence.

'The writing reads more like poetry disguised as prose, giving it an otherworldly sense of immersion and pace. A fascinating literary piece.'

Ronald A. Geobey, Author of the Kiranis series

'Thom Cree shows great skill at depicting such savage acts of violence with such lyricism and viscerality of style.'

Daniel Wade, Author and playwright

‘It is indeed a unique talent to construct a taut, interesting tale, but to write it in such a way that the reading of it creates delight, page by page.'

Chris Maddix, Author

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