Part one of The Comedy Project – an edition which will be six parts in all. Be introduced to Dante’s world in this beautifully illustrated, modern re-imagining of his work.
Dante called his chapters songs, and this book contains the first 17 songs of
The Comedy Project, which make up the first half of the
Inferno inside You. Traditionally Dante’s journey is considered to be a vision of the afterlife. The reason why people today still read his
Comedy is that it is relevant to our real, present-life journeys.
Written as both an extraordinary saga and art book, Inferno Inside You transports readers into some of the remarkable stories which were a vital part of Dante’s imagination. The journey that begins with this book will show readers aspects of life that are hidden, and rarely touched upon by other writers.
Meet leopards, three-headed dogs, and centaurs, a lion, a wolf and a monster. Uncover questions that were unique 700 years ago in the early Renaissance – and discover that they are even more relevant today. It is about people, and the greed and envy of our world – and about love.