Health & Wellbeing
Stem cell therapy, otherwise known as the regenerative medicine, promotes the regrow, repair or replacement of the diseased, dysfunctional or damaged tissues using stem cells.
Stem cell therapy, otherwise known as the regenerative medicine, promotes the regrow, repair or replacement of the diseased, dysfunctional or damaged tissues using stem cells. The Dawn of New Medicine expresses stem cells therapy as the new hope in modern medicine. This book explores the holistic dimension of stem cells therapy, from the basics of stem cell therapy to the possibilities it may bring to modern medicine.
Chronic diseases have stolen joy from a lot of people when, as a patient ourselves or when someone close to us was diagnosed with an illness for which there was no solution to. While symptoms of these diseases are often managed by medication and medicinal services, stem cells therapy go beyond the conventional management to discover therapies that support to body to repair, regenerate and restore. This book wishes to enlighten readers that there might be hope in managing diseases such as Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum, Cerebral Palsy and global developmental delay as mentioned in this book.
Professor Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike KS Chan is a scientist, senior researcher, educator and expert in anti-aging owning 26 medical wellness centers including hospitals Germany), clinics (Lugano, Switzerland), medical centers (Athens, Greece), and wellness clinics (Switzerland, Bangkok, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur, and Kota Kinabalu, Manila, Mexico, Ecuador, Frankfurt, Germany, Switzerland, Cambodia, Bangladesh, etc.). His precious experience and findings he gathered in his 36 years of advancing this field, he shares it here.
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