Health & Wellbeing
Why is it that some children progress rapidly and retain their learning in primary schools and others do not? You will find the answer to this question in this book. Furthermore, you will be able to help your children to adopt learning behaviours that will unquestionably maximise their learning potential. Equally important, your children will enjoy learning and develop confidence in their abilities. They will learn to take responsibility for their own learning in ways that you may not have thought possible!
Surprisingly, children with less academic ability often progress more successfully than able children simply because their learning behaviours are more advanced.
This book addresses systematically all of the significant areas where progress is propelled by embracing specific learning behaviours. Some of the chapters relate to the primary curriculum, although the intention is to explain how the learning behaviours described, which focus on characteristics such as perseverance, resilience, risk-taking, motivation and independence, play a significant part throughout the curriculum.
Be the Best You can Be shows parents and teachers that outstanding teaching is not enough! It also reveals that parents can make an important contribution to their children’s progress even if they do not have curriculum knowledge and understanding.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
This book gives great ideas how to make your children more confident and organised. These things make studying more efficient. Such an amazing book full of easy to follow advice, I wish I had this when my children were smaller. I think this book would be a perfect gift for teachers, parents or even grandparents.