Crime and Thrillers
On the night Odie May and her married lover are due to celebrate him leaving his wife, Odie goes out to buy a bottle of his favourite wine and, on her way home, is murdered by a woman in a lime green coat. But Odie’s story does not end there…
Next, she finds herself in a waiting room with a man who introduces himself as Carl Draper and who tells her he is her Initial Contact. He is carrying a clipboard and invites her into an interview room. Over the course of her interview, Carl guides Odie back through the years, asking her about the significant others in her life in a quest to work out what she’s done wrong, who might have murdered her and why.
As Odie comes to realise the truth about herself, the life she’s led and her death, she's given a choice: Carl can put her back to the moment before she was murdered and prevent it from happening, but this comes at a price Odie doesn't know if she can pay and, as she decides, she not only begins to understand what she has to do to become the person she should have been all along, but who is her most significant significant other.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Excellent completely different type of book that I've read and I absolutely loved it. Makes you think about your actions and consequences in life and how they affect others. Not just in that moment but in the long term as well. Read and enjoy !!
I love that more books are creating imaginative interpretations of the afterlife. Odie May has the choice to return to earth minutes before her murder or pass on to the afterlife. The whole time I thought I knew who the murderer was and what decision Odie May would make, but I was wrong on both accounts. It's what makes a good book if it can keep you guessing. Original review:
This was an unusual book and I absolutely loved it. When Odie May is murdered one evening she must discuss what went wrong in her life to learn who killed her. It was a really interesting concept and I found it a very absorbing read. I found Odie May quite refreshing in that she was flawed like so many of us are. She behaved appallingly at times, but her heart was good and she deserved love and affection. **SMALL SPOILER**The only thing I wasn't sure of was the ending. I understood the choice she made but I think I'd have preferred to see her embracing her single after-life rather than moving on to yet another relationship! **END OF SPOILER** I raced through this book in one sitting and found it easily readable and well paced. A great read and I'd love to read more by this author! Original review:
I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Even though Odie, the main character was not the most likeable person, she was fun to listen to, and I knew who the killer was before it was revealed. I would definitely recommend this one! Original review:
This is a very clever way to tell a story. No ordinary murder mystery, the author takes us through a reflection of the life of the victim after she has been killed by way of an interview. A fascinating approach which allows us to get to know the main character - to see her as a complete person, not just the murder victim - with all her own faults, as well. I liked the writing style and found the somewhat dark theme lifted a bit by the way it was written. Original review: