Crime and Thrillers
This gripping thriller delves into the twisted mind of Persy Adelard, who is trapped in a deceitful web by her ruthless adoptive mother. With dark humour and suspense, it explores family loyalty, murder, and the thirst for revenge. Each turn reveals new secrets and captivates the reader until the very end.
Ruined by Marion, a wealthy and ruthless woman, Persy Adelard has been controlled since the moment she was adopted.
But when Marion demands that Persy dispose of a lifeless body sprawled on the drawing room floor, Persy knows this has gone too far. Going to the police isn’t an option. The publicity would kill her frail Uncle Alfred, the only man who’s ever cared about her. Trapped and alone in this twisted game of manipulation, Persy sees a way out. Finally, she has leverage.
Flawed is a chilling and darkly humorous thriller that delves into murder, madness and the lengths people will go to hide their secrets.
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