
The Spirit and the Flesh

by T. J. Dias
Released: 8th August, 2019
Paul Thompson, a lapsed Catholic, is departing for a weekend away with his university housemates – Roger, a non-religious liberal interested in pleasure seeking, and Sean, a theology student and Catholic with strong religious convictions. An unlikely group, they head to the pubs of Amsterdam, debating life’s most important issues along the way.

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Full synopsis

Paul Thompson, a lapsed Catholic, is departing for a weekend in Amsterdam with his university housemates – Roger, a non-religious liberal interested in pleasure seeking, and Sean, a theology student and Catholic with strong religious convictions. An unlikely group, they nevertheless head to the pubs and restaurants of Amsterdam, arguing and debating life’s deepest moral and spiritual issues along the way.

As the conversation winds through the vivid setting of Amsterdam, Paul finds himself intellectually moved closer to his faith as the other two discuss. When a moral temptation is thrown into his path, Paul is left to his own internal debate: listen to an angel or a demon? Submit to the spirit or the flesh?

T. J. Dias presents a heated, fiery clash of opposing worldviews in this unique, thought-provoking novel. 

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