A thought-provoking novel, exploring the weight of deeds and the inescapable truths revealed in the final reckoning. A Naked Mind finds humanity awoken in a world where every action and intention is laid bare. Fear grips the hearts of man, as no amount of wealth or power will intercede in their judgement.
I open my eyes. The sky is pale, and black streaks are painted like scars across it, dancing their way to the horizon. The mountains have sunk and the oceans are barren. The earth is flat, and my vision is not hindered. The sun is so close it seems as though it’s only a mile away and yet I feel so cold. The world has changed and any familiarity I shared with it has been lost to the passing of time. What is happening today? People stand in fields of greying crops that synchronise in movement as the wind leaves us too. The Trumpet is blown, like a thunderclap to the ears, people press hard to block out the noise, and the pain, makes them fall to their knees. The echo of the beginning and the end in the same moment. Mankind has been transferred to another world. Fear strikes their hearts and panic consumes their minds. We have been resurrected today; we are witnessing a day that has been promised to us.
This is judgement day. It is too late now to go back, to make good on promises made to life. Mankind stands with a naked mind, looking around lost and confused, with guilt in their eyes, wondering if they have done enough for this day. Every deed, every action and every atom of intention is revealed.
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