Milo wakes up in a rural Cambodian hospital after a bus crash took the lives of beloved members of his core team. As he struggles to find his husband, Ra, friends, and colleagues, he learns the bus accident was almost two years ago to the day. He feels his life slipping away, but yearns for more moments with his husband, son, and other loved ones. He starts to accept death, remembering living and travelling in dozens of countries, working in child protection and mental health, and how he fled Uganda when homosexuality became illegal.
Milo, finding humour in the horror, makes his way back to his husband and close friends. He recovers but loses more loved ones and must fight the lure of addiction. He denies he has a problem and alienates himself from anyone who questions him until James, a friend and police officer working in the international paedophile department, turns up looking for help. James realises his friend is not okay and gives him the wake-up call that he needs to help with his dependency on fentanyl. Milo finds healing amid the uncertainty of life.
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