In this vision of the future, set after the apocalyptic religious wars, the State is managed by a series of secular Life Protocols. Drawn up by a young and idealistic civil servant called Giles, the Protocols soon become grossly misinterpreted as an end in themselves, rather than being an aid to government. Society becomes slavishly adherent to these documents, to the extent that they begin to take on pseudo-religious significance.
Among the Protocols is one addressing the problem of an aging population, and this Euthanasia Protocol is implemented throughout the country as an income-generating, yet socially acceptable, method of age control. Giles rapidly becomes disillusioned by the way in which his concept has been abused. However, when he attempts to rectify the situation, he falls foul of the system, being condemned to a life of ignominy. As an old man who is resigned to euthanasia, can he appeal the order in time?
Written in a gently humorous, allegorical style, yet at times stark and bitingly satirical, The Euthanasia Protocol addresses many of the issues which plague today’s society. This offers a frightening, yet wholly credible, insight into what may happen if human beings cease to think for themselves. This book will appeal to those who question the role of religion in society and are concerned about the increasing use of unyielding technology in government.