A book that will stand the test of time and cement Jack Screed as the foremost humourist and dramatist of his generation or any other, past and future.
Jack Screed, probably the greatest writer that has ever lived and will, sets out on a mission to write his first book at age 45... an autobiographical journal set in Saigon circa 2016... a time of great change… not at least for our author, who in the process of writing his story, is carried along by events that he often has absolutely no control over.
Events that transform him into 3 dog man... an almost legendary character who enjoys the company of his canines, nature and beer. And events that explore his relationship with his pack, his boring job, his drinking, the natives and unhinged expats. And of course his motorbike that whisks him between these tawdry crumpled pages.
But all in all, it is a tale of love and loyalty. A tail of three dogs and the man they rescued... despite himself, and kept him alive long enough to write this book. A book that will stand the test of time and cement Jack Screed as the foremost humourist and dramatist of his generation or any other, past and future.
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