Young adult
Dive into a summer term at St. Anne’s with best friends Nan and Poppy as they begin the third and final term of their second year!
This term, three new girls arrive, who must settle down and get to grips with life in the second. And things do not go smoothly; new girl Harry must overcome her demons in order to find friends at her new school, while Patricia makes an immediate enemy of Leonora.
Leonora shows herself to be a master of tricks and pranks once again, and has her fun with many of her classmates and tutors. This term, though, she also has Farmer Adams to contend with. The feuding reaches fever pitch when Leonora orchestrates her most daring trick yet. But has she overstepped the mark?
With summer exams looming, the second formers must focus in order to progress to the third year. But Patricia has other ideas…
Who will come out on top? And will everyone make it to the end of the term without being expelled?
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