Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Should I read this book? Well, that depends upon whether: a) I have Parkinson's Yes. For the comfort of knowing that I am not alone and for the practical suggestions outlined in this and Terry's earlier book. b) I do not have Parkinson's, but I have some other illness or disability Yes, Yes. For the philosophies described which could help me with many other conditions. c) I know someone who has Parkinson's Yes, Yes, Yes! These books are probably even more beneficial than if I fall into category a). For a comprehensive understanding of the likely feelings and abilities of that person and guidance in how to interact and help. d) I do not fall into any of the above categories Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes! I will most likely at some stage meet someone who has Parkinson's and the insights within these books will help both me and that person.
My partner has Parkinson's and I am her principle carer and this is a very valuable book. It is valuable because it saves us from repeated explanations about how Parkinson's affects her. We bought multiple copies of this book, gave some away and sold others within our network of family, friends and colleagues Terry writes with both candour and under-stated humour and Jack's illustrations are incredibly helpful for those who have little experience of the physical impact of Parkinson's. My partner and I would recommend anyone living with Parkinson's to order multiple copies of this book and distribute it amongst your family,friends and colleagues; it helps them and saves you a huge amount of repetitious explanations!
This powerful personal testimony of living with Parkinson's Disease has been particularity useful for my partner, who has Parkinson's, and me her principle carer. Perhaps more importantly, we have found it invaluable in educating our family,friends and colleagues about the condition. If you are living with Parkinson's or their principle carer do consider ordering multiple copies of this book and giving/selling them to everyone you makes endless face-to-face explanations largely unnecessary and thereby helps strengthen personal relationships. Steve
The best no frills book on Parkinson's I have yet to read.
This is a very good book, containing a mixture of anecdotes, narrative and science, deliberately interspersed with advice and practical guidance for fellow patients. Terry is a former psychologist and that kind of scholarship and attention to detail pervades the text. It reads well, is engaging, compelling and refreshing. Ireally enjoyed this book. My only quibble is that it is, by any standards, a short book (127 pages in a largish typeface)for the money (£7.99 but these are minor beefs. Buy it, read it, enjoy it.