Here's what readers have to say about this book....
I admit that I approached this book with a hint of hesitance not knowing how soft skills and financial literacy would be cohesively woven together in a parenting how to. Any hesitance vanished within the first chapter. I highlighted vigorously throughout the book. Author Peace E. Ani opened my eyes to many key points and my "basket" of takeaways is overflowing. My husband was quite annoyed by the number of ideas I vocally affirmed as I read but ended up snatching the kindle from my hands to read sections as well. So often "life skills" books wait until teenage years to introduce skills but "Nurturing Soft Skills" guides the reader in ways to introduce and skill build foundational capabilities in childhood so that by the time a teenager has increased independence, opportunities for employment, and money to manage they have a strong foundation. I found the most meaningful section of the book, to be the section focused on parental attributes. Again, the author enters the life skills space with the recognition that foundation-building is essential to full incorporation and adoption of skills. Parents have the most important role and voice in a child's development. I HIGHLY recommend this book to parents and those in a professional position of teaching children or parenting skills.