Picture books

The Alloogator

by Anthony Gabb
Released: 28th September, 2023
“Go when you can, don’t save it for later…” “or else you’ll be eaten by a green Alloogator!” The Alloogator is an amusing —if somewhat sinister— tale about a “little one” who refuses to use the toilet while the opportunity is present, only to then find himself at the mercy of the porcelain-dwelling alligator…



Full synopsis

“Go when you can, don’t save it for later.

Or else you’ll be eaten by a green Alloogator!”

Despite his parents' suggestion to use the loo when he can, this ‘little one’ chooses instead to ignore their advice and faces a terrifying consequence for his decision.

This amusing yet cautionary tale will make children think twice about delaying a trip to the toilet.

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