Harry Rawlins yearns for excitement before the war ends so volunteers to leave his relatively safe position, intercepting enemy signals in a Leicestershire stately home, to join the Nottingham Sherwood Rangers. Training on top secret swimming tanks he tragically loses his friends and crewmates just three weeks before D-Day.
A veteran tank crew, mysteriously transferred into his unit just before D-Day, is a man down and Harry is the body to fill that slot. Finding himself thrown into the vanguard of the assault on the beaches of Normandy, can Harry survive long enough to prove himself and gain the acceptance of his new crew?
As Harry’s crew battle to support the allied invasion, a traitor codenamed Kobold, is further along the coast doing his upmost to derail the allied plans. Destiny has decreed that as they battle inland their paths will become inextricably entwined. With little enthusiasm from superiors they find themselves alone in his pursuit. The chase is on.
What will get Harry first? Bad luck, the enemy or Kobold … and just what is the connection between the German spy and his new tank commander …
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