A gripping historical action story set in medieval Scotland in the latter half of Robert Bruce's reign and filled with political intrigue and secrets. The novel follows lives of four main characters as they search for the truths of their pasts.
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We all know of Robert the Bruce’s famous victories but, years later, who will bear the brunt of his past actions?
Meet Cailean, a rough but loyal highland chief thrust too young into leadership and war. And Alasdair, his brother, a sharp-witted spy. When they meet Sorcha, a naïve lesser noble, everything changes. Desire flares as questions about who she is grow. The king is saying nothing, the men following her are saying nothing, and the less said about her brother, the better! Just when things cannot get more complicated, Mordag, the unwanted daughter of a man whose loyalties are dubious, is thrust upon them. Can she really be trusted when she hates them so passionately?
For these four individuals, they fight not for glory but for those they love. And to protect them, they must discover the truth of their past and of each other.
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