Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Death of the Cosset is a historical fiction story of two different times and two different stories.. Placed in Egypt research is being done by two different people and in different times. Follow these two as they unearth secrets and curses and everything in between. As they unearth certain things it starts to tell a story that maybe should stay hidden and not be found out but yet it tells the story of so long ago. I didn't have a problem keeping up with the stories as I think some may if they aren't used to different stories and times change I love history and have read whatever I can about Egyptian history as this country developed and how they lived and was so before their time Kimberly did a excellent job in not only the characters but the research into putting this story together! Follow the dogs and the different time periods and you will discover all sorts of wonderful adventures and history that has been well forgotten! Received from Net Gallery! It's a must read and will be looking for this authors.work again!
I've always been interested in Ancient Egypt and liked this engrossing and well researched story. The author did a good job in managing the dual timeline and I liked the style of writing and the character development. It's entertaining and I recommend it.
Death of the Cosset is the outstanding oeuvre of first time author Kimberly Jane Oswald. This fascinating tale of modern day Egyptologist, Dr Cassie Seldon and Queen Iput of ancient Egypt and their professional and personal quandaries The book shifts between the story and timelines of the two characters. Although this was not one of those I couldn't put down there was a good mix of historical fact intertwined throughout and Ms Oswald has an excellent start as a published author.
Oswald brings the ancient Egypt of 2350 B.C. to life in her solid debut which chronicles the tale of young Egyptologist struggling to unearth her destiny. To find proof to support a new time-line theory, called Dynasty Zero, pre-dating the First Dynasty, the lovely Egyptologist, Cassandra Seldon, is in Egypt. After she happens upon an ancient artifact from Queen Iput's tomb, she feels a strong connection to the long-dead queen. Unable to part with the enigmatic artifact, Cassandra decides to decipher its mystery by herself. As past secrets unravel, Cassandra finds her life running parallel to the queen's. Oswald keeps the action moving throughout the narrative, providing intriguing detail of the ancient Egyptian era, from women wearing makeup to the Pharaohs buried in pyramids with priceless treasure, as well as packs in plenty of emotional punches. The characters are deep, and the ongoing complications in their evolving relationships keep the tension high. Oswald's combination of the suspenseful plot with the characters' emotionally deep interpersonal dynamics add depth to the narrative. The switch between the two timelines is effortless, the passages from Cassandra's past are haunting, and the storyline is intriguing. With vivid settings, meticulously, affectionately drawn cast, and a finely tuned mystery, the novel makes for a pure gem guaranteed to satisfy both thriller and historical fiction fans.
BY THEPRAIRIESBOOKREVIEW on JANUARY 13, 2021 ( 0 ) An electrifying debut Oswald makes her foray into historical thriller genre with this excellent entry marked with desire and greed, obsession and fear, and murder. Thirty-two-year-old Egyptologist, Cassandra Seldon, is on a mission to find some kind of proof to support a new time-line theory, called Dynasty Zero, pre-dating the First Dynasty in Egyptian history. After discovering a papyrus in the tomb of a long-dead Egyptian queen, Cassandra begins to decode its mysteries. The secrets and conspiracies that stayed hidden for centuries come to surface, making Cassandra realize her own destiny is about to unravel. Oswald skillfully weaves together all the pieces, including the parallel story of queen Iput from 2350 B.C., to create a vivid historical tale. She raises the suspense by infusing the narrative with painful flashbacks from Cassie's past and secrets and conspiracies that accompany Queen Iput's story, which includes the latter's clever plan to secure her rightful position as Egypt's Queen, with Kagemni working on his own sinister conspiracy, trying to settle score with the King. The troubled, vulnerable Cassandra, her somber attitude masking a keen intelligence, makes for a worthy protagonist. The ruthless and shrewd Iput is thoroughly appealing with her rigid determination and grit. The characters' interpersonal dynamic is sketched with remarkable verve and skill. There's nonstop supply of surprising twists and shocking revelations, plus tender moments of longing and love. The result is an expertly plotted, utterly engaging mystery that keeps the reader deeply invested all the way to its satisfying conclusion. With its suspenseful plot and emotionally provocative backstories of its female protagonists, the novel will appeal as much to historical thriller fans as to lovers of women's fiction.