Fantasy and Horror
After a near-fatal crash in the Scottish Highlands, Ben, an ex-army major with a passion for protecting the innocent, dreams of previous deaths.
After a near-fatal crash in the Scottish Highlands, Ben, an ex-army major with a passion for protecting the innocent, dreams of previous deaths. Visited by a mysterious stranger who puts him into a series of trances to reveal more of his past, he stops the sessions after seeing his fiancée burned as a witch.
Ben’s doctor, Susan, is driven by her desire to care for people. Strangely drawn to Ben, she shares a vision in which they are drowned as human sacrifices. Still disoriented, she agrees to accompany new colleague, Lord Mortimer, to a conference in Dubai. There the lord imprisons her in his desert villa where he demonstrates how he has achieved immortality by consuming a man’s soul, telling her she will be next.
Sharing more past experiences while fighting to stay alive in the present, Susan and Ben must endure unspeakable horrors across millennia to discover the clues they need to survive; to find each other, and to challenge their nemesis. From ancient Egypt to the D-Day landings; from the African slave trade to punk rock; a multitude of lives lived, culminating in a single moment. All as the sinister Mortimer, destroyer of souls, lies in wait.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Three people chase each other across time. Souls destined to met time and time again. Love and hate, new beginnings and old memories mixing emotions and memories until it’s almost impossible to know where one life ends and another begins. Stories about love that defies death about reincarnation and people finding each other despite all the hazards placed in their way always fascinate me. While this may not be the best example of the genre I have ever read it is certainly enjoyable and I’m already looking forward to the next addition to the series.
Just finished reading Trinity of Souls and was totally hooked. Lots of interesting history visited, and some fascinating philosophical thoughts too. Well done!
It has been my absolute pleasure to have read the Souls Series ahead of publication. The day I met Carl and I outlined my simple belief of time and awareness his face lit up and he told me of the story he was writing. Instantly I was hooked and have remained so throughout, eagerly devouring every chapter and bonding with the characters (all feeling so real to me) engrossed in their intertwined fates. Carl keeps it coming, the plots the twists, characters yet to be revealed I love it. I can’t wait to have you sign my copy.
Every now and then you pick up a novel and it takes over your life until you reach the final page. Trinity of Souls is one such book. The author takes you back effortlessly to some of the most interesting times in history and brings them alive.
What a fantastic read, not the kind of book I would normally read, I didn’t think I would get gripped by a story about reincarnation, I was so wrong ( I'm so glad my friend prompted me to read it) I picked it up and didn’t put it down again until chapter 7; only then, because life got in the way. The emotions of the lives, loves and losses, the horror, darkness and cruelty, these characters grew inside my head, became real people, Susan, Ben, Sally, Bartie, She Wolf, Bobby, Mortimer, Marcus & Moon shadow and everyone in between, the fight to be together as (Mortimer) uses everything in his powers to keep them apart. Absolutely fantastic novel, I’m now left waiting in anticipation for the next book. Definitely my kind of book.