Crime and Thrillers
When Lester Chan, the ‘Jewellery King’ of Hong Kong, is charged with a banking fraud, Jonathan Savage, a middle-ranking QC who is used to a professional diet of murder and mayhem, and who has never before worked outside of England, is sent out to defend him. Also caught up in the defence case is Frank Grinder, a retired solicitor. For the Prosecution, Graham Truckett, a member of the Hong Kong Government Legal Department, has been put in charge and is completely out of his depth. The trial judge, Mr Justice O’Brien relishes his reputation for efficiency, but trouble at home keeps him preoccupied.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
A thoroughly enjoyable insight to the procedures and protocols of the legal system. Most amusing interplay between the main characters and an especially fascinating reveal between the judge and his clerk. Great fun but also very interesting.
This a story of an English Silk coming to Hong Kong for the first time to undertake a long fraud case. As a legal story it is fascinating but what I enjoyed most was the hilarious consequences of the clash of cultures