Crime and Thrillers
This psychological thriller and story of survival follows the journeys of Ava and her teenage daughter, Isla. As we weave in and out of different time periods, we witness the women’s determination and love versus coercive behaviour, lies and murder.
Some years ago, Ava reluctantly left her mother and childhood home in Cornwall, for a life in London, where she moved in with best friend, Jen, and started a career as an artist.
But when she meets Peter at a nightclub one evening, Ava’s world is about to change…
Weaving in and out of two time periods, we follow both Ava and her daughter lsla’s stories at the hands of Peter and his nefarious Aunt Pam.
Can the women close to Ava help her rise out of the darkness and into the light? Or will she remain forever in the ruthless clutches of her captors
Rescuing Ava is a gripping psychological tale of how truth, love, and friendship battle against coercive control, lies and murder.
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