Nick Dyson, a young barrister in London is offered the opportunity to become the personal assistant to Robert Laidlaw, a school-friend who has been appointed as a Special Envoy to the Middle East, based in Islambad, Pakistan. Nick's career is going badly and on the face of it the offer is attractive.
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An important British diplomat is abducted in Pakistan. What appears to be a terrorist outrage may be the result of a vendetta by a powerful tycoon. Crime and mystery novel Rendezvous with Death follows the story of Nick Dyson, a young barrister in London, who accepts the appointment as personal assistant to his friend Robert Laidlow who is a Special Envoy to the Middle East, based in Islamabad. Nick, Robert and Robert’s wife, Emma have made a bitter enemy of Gerald Macbeth, now an influential tycoon in Islamabad. When Robert disappears and his security guard is beheaded, Nick begins to suspect that Macbeth is behind the crimes. He tries to persuade Emma to leave Pakistan with him. She refuses and dies in a speedboat acciden. Robert is executed by terrorists. Nick flees to London with over a million dollars of bribe money paid to Robert. Rendezvous with Death will appeal to those who enjoy crime and mystery novels plus fans of Gil’s former novels.