John and Adele have been together for over two decades and have a son. Their relationship has been on a downhill trajectory for many years.
One evening, en route to their annual holiday destination, they run out of fuel in a remote location. To whom can they go for assistance? Suddenly, in the darkness, their lives take an unexpected turn. They meet three mysterious but benevolent strangers who offer to help them. In observing Adele and John, they pose to the couple an unusual challenge that seeks to address the core problems in their marriage. John and Adele find the proposal odd but intriguing. While it may have advantages, it could be risky and dangerous. But unresolved emotions and unhealed wounds, as well as long-buried memories can also have hazardous and unpredictable consequences. Will they dare to accept this challenge or not?
This unique novel, while aimed at taking a fresh perspective on relationships, is uplifting, relaxing, and is meant to be enjoyed.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
I had the good fortune to read an early draft of this curious tale back in 2020, I immediately loved it and warmed to the characters back then. On a recent reading of the final publication I again loved it, but this time luxuriated in its well-crafted magical realism. As in the Murakami or Rushdi vein, a mundane or workaday setting can subtly, or sometimes suddenly, lead you and the characters to another plane of existence. I'm indeed glad to see this book being so well received and very much look forward to further works from this talented and dedicated trio of writers.
The Magical Journey of John and Adele is truly one of the most unique books I have ever read. Technically, I really enjoyed the short chapters as the writing style was a litle staccato for my tase, but, the content is exceptional so I would absolutely recommend sticking with it. It began to flow more for me in Chapter 5 and this is just a personal preference The story centres around John and Adele, a couple who have been married for many years and are parents ro a son. Sadly, like many relationships of this ilk, John and Adeles marriage seems to be on a downward spiral, a very slippery slope with no handraiil The premise of the book is interesting and well thought out; The couple emberk on their annual holiday, but run out of fuel. Of course, the blame game ensues. Here come three strangers, who are more than benevolent in exchange for the couple completing a challenge which turns their perspectives, and relationship upside down This book is a great read if you can adapt to the writing style. It is concise, intuitive and insightful while creating an engaging and thought-provoking story Thank you to NetGalley for the free eArc. My review is left voluntarily
I have read one of the first drafts of this book and I am amazed to see how far the journey of John and Adele has gone. While being an avid book reader, I am not often drawn to the magical realism genre. However, this book has managed to capture my attention with its touching story that has many layers of wisdom at its core. As a young person who isn’t married, I could still relate to the characters adventure and find some precious pieces of advice about relationships that I can incorporate in my own life.
I had a great pleasure reading that book. It is like embarking on a journey that brings you surprises at every turn and, almost imperceptibly, makes you reflect upon your life, your emotions, your attitudes towards your close one’s and towards yourself. Do not hesitate to take that journey, it is really worth it.
I liked this novel very much; it is very well written and fun to read. The many twists in it makes you curious of reading the next chapter. It bears some magic and a hidden guide for human relationships. Highly recommended!