Kevin loves sex… or rather an idealised version of it. The reality has often proven less successful, and always more traumatic. Fortunately his imagination – at least when the day job of settling bets in the local bookmakers permits – keeps him one step removed from the real thing, and that suits him just fine.
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Full synopsis
Kevin loves sex… or rather an idealised version of it. The reality has often proven less successful, and always more traumatic.Fortunately his imagination – at least when the day job of settling bets in the local bookmakers permits – keeps him one stepremoved from the real thing, and that suits him just fine. But when Laura enters the frame, it looks as if fantasy and realitymight collide. Meanwhile Monday night will always be poker night and, as the chips fly and mental warfare is waged, actsof social nuisance and vandalism are recounted and become a source of indignation and rage. And if the police won’t doanything…
David always wanted to be a policeman, but circumstances dictated otherwise. Nepotism secured him the consolationprize of a station-basement bolthole and a loosely defined role as a glorified hand holder. The price he pays is constantresentment and ridicule from the regular officers. But he is convinced that a gang of vigilantes is operating locally,complete with calling card. And just maybe this is a case the he can solve and prove them all wrong.
An emotionally charged and relentlessly funny coming-of-age story – in more ways than one.