Molly’s childhood is a world of secrets and hiding. Her life is spent escaping from danger with her mother. This time they leave London at night with a supposed offer of a house in Devon.
Lester’s house is more of a squat. He is a truly disgusting and violent man. Molly’s mother is held by the mixture of available drugs and a need to be wanted. Molly believes their lives are in danger if they try to escape.
Outside the run-down house, Molly discovers Dartmoor. The fantastic bleak wilderness is an unbelievable space for a young girl who knows only towns and dark alleys. Molly steals her times on the moor while Lester plots.
But when things go badly wrong for her mother, Molly seeks revenge and that’s when Police, Ambulance, Fire, and Court Services arrive.
And that is just the beginning.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
In his first adult novel Alex Mellanby tackles a very difficult subject matter. The plot really is quite harrowing and thought-provoking with exceptional character development. I spent my childhood close to Dartmoor and the author describes it perfectly. I can visualize every single scene. I think it is important to sometimes read outside one's comfort zone.
This book is quiet dark, disturbing, and about a very hard subject, which will definitely not be for everyone. I would warn anyone looking to start to make sure you will not be triggered. If you won't, then I do think you'll find it to be very well written, with great character development! Would highly recommend to those whom can handle the subject, which I know is not everyone, hard to review because of subject manner, but done well for what it's dealing with. Original review:
It's always very difficult to review books based on other people's distress and misery, and "enjoyable is not a word I dare to categorically label this harrowing, deeply disturbing read. The plot is based solely around Molly's severely abusive childhood which is graphically described throughout this entire read. Born to a drug addicted mother, selling her child to men for her substances, this is a very hard and unsettling book. Although I flew through this, there were times when I thought I couldn't read on anymore, but I was desperate to find out how Molly dealt with all this, I was eager to know if she found safety, that if she was able to in some sort of way find a little bit of peace in her mind. (Although considering the horrific way she was treated, it would be completely understandable if she didn't.) The reason this is a five star read is because as a society we need to take note that these things are happening to children on a daily basis. We need our eyes open to the reality of what is happening behind closed doors for some. Stop brushing it under the carpet, or turning the other cheek. This maybe a difficult read but that doesn't even begin to compare to the lives that these children are forced to live. We have the choice to read on or close the book, they don't have any choices. We are failing our children. This all needs to stop, we as a society, need to take action on these groups of people that think this is acceptable. Changes need to be made. This has to be spoken about openly as this author does within the pages of this book. For these reasons I highly recommend this read. Original review:
A hard book to read at times, this is the story of a girl of indeterminate age (even she isn't sure) whose mother is a drug addict and who ends up in the clutches of a paedophile living on the edge of Dartmoor. It's the story of how she finds release by escaping to the moors, and how she tries to avoid the future "forever" that seems to be mapped out for her. Due to the child abuse content it is a difficult read at times but Molly is an engaging voice and I was gripped by the story and hopeful for her happy ending. Original review:
Molly's childhood is a world of secrets and hiding. Her life is spent escaping from danger with her mother. This time they leave London at night with a supposed offer of a house in Devon. Lester's house is more of a squat. He is a truly disgusting and violent man. Molly's mother is held by the mixture of available drugs and a need to be wanted. Molly believes their lives are in danger if they try to escape. Outside the run-down house, Molly discovers Dartmoor. The fantastic bleak wilderness is an unbelievable space for a young girl who knows only towns and dark alleys. Molly steals her times on the moor while Lester plots. But when things go badly wrong for her mother, Molly seeks revenge and that's when Police, Ambulance, Fire, and Court Services arrive. And that is just the beginning. This is a wonderful read. Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start. Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believable. Great suspense and found myself second guessing every thought I had continuously. Can't wait to read what the author brings out next. Recommend reading. Original review: