Here's what readers have to say about this book....
We greatly enjoyed reading A HOLIDAY TO DIE FOR. Once again Petra Minx is on a mission in exotic countries, this time South Africa and Namibia. It is in the details in Marion Leigh's depictions of these locations that make them so real. And the characters Petra encounters, the quirky, the shady, the mysterious, raise the story telling above a mere action thriller. The female characters especially intrigued us, from the irrepressible teenagers Megan and Hilary to the powerful Mrs Pinderally. After an exciting read, we put the book down and await the next one - where will Petra's next mission send her?
This book is everything a psychological thriller/mystery should be! The author created characters that are well developed and a plot that moves along quickly! I found myself completely immersed in this one! Highly recommend!
If the reader would like a good, solid story line, an interesting setting and a good sense of adventure, this "tour' through South Africa fills the bill nicely. A well-written enjoyable mystery that was my first for this series. I will likely seek to read more. Particularly enjoyable were the descriptive travel passages which made the reader's interest in the location grow. My only concern as a reader was the shifting back and forth between the two story lines. While the connection did become obvious as the story progressed, the transitions sometimes seemed a bit abrupt. All in all a good read that mystery lovers should enjoy.
This was a thrilling adventure! The story was wonderful and how the author told it made you feel as if you were there with Petra. There was enough of a story just around the wedding that it could have been it's own book! But once Petra and Carlo ventured off on their African Safari, the questions kept coming, keeping you on the edge of our seat. After the book ended, I only wanted more. I am left with a question though - What was the main purpose of what Florian and Father John did? I can make my own assumptions based on bits and pieces of things they said throughout the book, but there was no real description of the "why for them. I would like to see if this story continues or if that is the end of it all together. I'd be happy to read more of the Petra Minx books.
Another great and easy read as Petra travels through The Cape Town area of South Africa and Namibia. Supposedly on holiday, she finds herself embroiled in the machinations of a white supremacist group, where idealistic young women are exploited. As always, Marion takes her protagonist through interesting local scenes and events and a fight against time to save a young Canadian woman from a fate, possibly worse than death.