If you are leading or part of a team making big change happen you are probably familiar with questions such as: How do we create the sense of shared endeavour, and feeling of unity and purpose? How do I bring together and build a team that is consistently efficient, effective and fun to be part of? How do we engage people within and beyond the organisation so that big change becomes possible? The Little Book of Making Big Change Happen distills wisdom from many years and thousands of conversations with hundreds of people in the thick of making big change happen. Discover how you can solve your challenging questions, build resilience, attract support, inspire others, protect and build organisational reputation and develop innovative habits and solutions. Written in a concise, easy-to-read style, The Little Book of Making Big Change Happen is perfect to dip into in a quiet moment, as well as for thorough study. It will appeal to anyone looking to transform their own organisation, or make a big change happen out in the world, with thought provoking, practical and profound advice.
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
This book is such a refreshing resource to use alongside and as a palate freshener, to contrast with other change books that take a linear approach "do this, and then do that...." Yes, I can read it page by page, but for me its real magic appears when I use it a bit like the I Ching - opening a page at random to see what it has for me today. It helps me implement whatever plan I'm working on, with a larger perspective.
Leading a major Infrastructure project is complex and demanding. Every new phase throws up fresh challenges. Managing these successfully requires a 'dynamic' organisation that constantly adapts itself to match the ever-changing risk profile. All too often leaders will focus on the 'what' - the hard outputs, putting the 'how' is second place. In my experience they should always sit alongside each other. The little book of big change focuses the 'how'. For the experts it will be an aide-memoir, but for the rest of us it is an invaluable guide - a set of prompts that should be constantly referred to, practiced and delivered".
This little book provides big ideas and much to think about for the generalist leader struggling to make change happen. I was delighted, inspired and apprehensive in equal measure as I read - ideal inspiration for anyone seeking to lead an organisation through big change into a lasting new state.
The accelerating pace of external change and the critical need for almost continuous internal change are the realities that we must all live with in a highly competitive and complex world. This book probes at change from a multitude of angles, covering both familiar and unexpected territory and opening up numerous avenues of self-reflection. A thought provoking and hugely enjoyable read.
The prospect of change can be frightening and exhausting and tiring to contemplate. The contents of this book bring a sense of proportion: leaps become steps; we are challenged to see how things may become; guided on taking others to this new place; given reassurance and wisdom on how to sustain others and ourselves along the journey.