This book is for all team managers, team leaders, team supervisors and all those who aspire to lead teams in the future.
Full synopsis
This book is for all team managers, team leaders, team supervisors and all those who aspire to lead teams in the future. It is also aimed at ordinary team members, who, when they are more informed and knowledgeable about essential team development processes and team dynamics, will be able to assist and support their team managers, supervisors, and leaders to move their team to high performance – and to stay there.
I have tried to ensure that this book, is easy to read, easy to understand and reflects the reader’s own individual experiences of teams. Above all I hope the contents of the book will inspire the reader to act and to utilise their newly found knowledge of teams with the business or sports teams that they lead or are simply a member of.
In addition, I have kept the theory to a minimum and have outlined the essential key theories that I know work well in practice when applied effectively and consistently. I have also deliberately kept the book relatively short in comparison to many business books, as I know from experience that many team managers, team supervisors and team leaders prefer books to be kept brief, succinct and action centred.
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