Karen Green shares her stories, advice and exercises to guide readers through the maze of creating a profitable food manufacturing business. Recipe for Success provides a step-by-step guide that enables readers to create high profile food brands and a business that can make and sell these products successfully.
Full synopsis
Karen Green, former UK retail buyer and commercial director for several successful food businesses, shares her stories, advice and exercises to guide readers through the maze of creating a profitable and growing food manufacturing business. Recipe for Success provides a step-by-step guide that enables readers to create high profile food brands and a business that can make and sell these products successfully. The book assists readers to analyse their business and where the opportunities for growth and improvement lie. It also helps readers to design profitable products that will underpin their brand and sell successfully into retailers. The book also contains a number of case studies of companies that have achieved great success, as well as those that have not been as successful. Drawing from these examples and from Karen’s own expansive experience, Recipe for Success helps readers to avoid some of the pitfalls of starting a food business. Written with the aim of enabling every food business to evolve in the food industry, Karen has written a unique book that will appeal to both established food businesses and readers who are just starting out in the industry. It will also appeal to readers interested in the UK food retail industry as it offers a fresh perspective on how to create value from a food business, whether it has already been established or is on the horizon.