The book is written in English and sets out the basics of French employment law. It includes recent reforms brought in by President Macron many of which were published in the Code du travail (French employment law Code) on 3 January 2018.
There are comprehensive references throughout to the articles of the French Code du travail to facilitate further research by readers.
The text introduces and uses French terminology, which is always given in italics. The first time a French term is used, it is explained in the text. However all words/phrases in italics are also in a glossary giving an English definition/explanation.
There is also a comprehensive glossary section of French employment words and terms, providing French-English translations/explanations (there is not always a direct equivalent in the other language) and an English-French one.
This is not simply for reference purposes for the book, but can also function as a short dictionary of French employment law terms in its own right.
An appendix sets out information regarding various forms of French employees' representatives that existed prior to the recent reforms, and may continue to exist in some circumstances whilst being phased out? There is a useful index.