History, Politics & Society

Mother Father Revolution

by Owen W. Cameron
Released: 20th July, 2019
Mother Father Revolution follows a Scottish nurse and Australian mining engineer, who fell in love in Iran as expats in the 1970s, and were forced to flee in the final days of the 1979 Revolution.



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Full synopsis

Mother Father Revolution follows a Scottish nurse and Australian mining engineer, who fell in love in Iran as expats in the 1970s, and were forced to flee in the final days of the 1979 Revolution.

With their passports held by local employers, and facing regular bomb threats, shootings and state surveillance, they devised an incredible escape plan that involved coffins and a funeral journey for cover through central Iranian towns that were on the brink of civil war, only to find two tickets on one of the last commercial flights out of Tehran, as revolutionaries seized the international airport and the nation descended into chaos.

Together with the events of their early life that led them to Iran, the book provides a concise but comprehensive history of Iran through the 20th Century, allowing readers to understand the chain of events that led up to the Revolution. 

The biographical and historical events sewn together provide readers with a chance to view the 1979 Iranian Revolution through the lives of two individuals making life and death choices, and gives context to a nation that has slipped behind a curtain in world affairs, and has rarely been seen since. Mother Father Revolution will appeal to readers with an interest in Middle Eastern history, and those who enjoy a heartfelt family story based on true events.

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