History, Politics & Society
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
Some days ago I turned the last of the more than 6oo pages of this book after reading every page not missing a single word. I felt sad because I had come to know George, Mary Ann, Clara, Emily and George Augustus so well. They had been brought to life but had passed away again. The author has first made a clever selection of parts of the letters exchanged between these members of the Macirone family. Next she has woven these parts together to create a full picture of their lives, their successes, their troubles (health, finances, religion) and the economic and social world around them. Their lives were far from easy but they did not break down. The book is not a novel nor a history. In real time the reader lives with the writers of the letters. And having lived with them one regrets their passing. The book is a monument to the family and their world.
The author inherited a desk filled with letters from her husband's side of the family. As she began to read through the letters she realized that the letters contained a glimpse into the families life during The Victorian Era. Even though the family was not wealthy or very famous their lives intersected many of the famous musicians and artists of the era. There is a lot of information in the letters. I liked the way the author chose which letters to reprint and which ones she summarized. There are lots of historical illustrations that accompany the text. Enjoy getting to know the family
This is a beautiful book of one family's history laid out with letters, journals and documents belonging to the ancestors. I really love history and genealogy and I really enjoyed the way this story combines the two. Ordinary families can be so extraordinary when their lives are examined in full. A wonderful journey from the author.
When the author discovered a treasure trove of letters photos diaries of this family, he went back in time entering their lives their world. I loved this book what a wonderful treat to go back in time to get an intimate look at them their daily existence their era. Highly recommend.
I love how this family's history was laid out via their own letters, journals, and other documents found in an old desk. The writer put together a book that was more interesting than fiction. I felt myself becoming invested in this family the more that I read.