Wyatt and Kamryn are different from most children. They came from far far away, a planet called Karuta in the solar system of Athena. They were sent to earth to make a positive difference in the lives of the children and ask for their help. The earth is in danger of being destroyed.
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Full synopsis
Wyatt and Kamryn are different from most children. They came from far far away, a planet called Karuta in the solar systemof Athena. They were sent to earth to make a positive difference in the lives of the children and ask for their help. The earthis in danger of being destroyed. The world as we know it, our planet, has become dominated by hate and self-interest.Kamryn and Wyatt have been sent by the elders of the universe to ask the children to help save the world.
Will Wyatt and Kamryn succeed in changing the world to a better place? Will the earth be destroyed by evil people orsaved by all the good in the world?Will the children and their parents be asked to be on the space ship that is coming fora peacekeeping mission?