Young children
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
I liked it when Kinnickinnick found the Pink mountain because he was happy. I liked the part where they found the caribou calf, Glacier Lily.
The characters of the animals became so real and appealing that I soon became engrossed in both the adventures and encounters that Kinnikinnick had on his amazing journey. i enjoyed the way the author used the flora and fauna of this beautiful area of Canada as names for her characters and I learned a lot. My grandchildren loved the book and at the end of a chapter when I said, "We'll find out what happened in the next chapter." They said, "No, no, Grandma, don't stop, keep on reading!"
As a parent, I really enjoyed learning about different animals in the Rockies and discovering the landscape described in the book. The illustrations are just beautiful and are a wonderful addition to the story. My children loved the drawings and their style really suited the story. We enjoyed exploring the characters together and the highs and lows were a great source of discussion. A brilliant story that was tenderly told. We have so much love for Kinnikinnick! Eva (aged 8 loved this book and enjoyed that there were lots of animals to learn about. There were some sad bits but there are lots of good parts too. This book shows you that you should always follow your dreams. Isaac (aged 6) I really liked the characters and all the animals especially the grizzly bear. I was really proud of Kinnikinnick for getting to the end of the adventure.