Against all the odds, Minty escaped from the castle of lost souls having achieved the impossible. Juhee’s wheel has been retrieved and the demon, Scobberlotcher and its castle destroyed forever, along with the mountain it sat upon.
Full synopsis
Against all the odds, Minty escaped from the castle of lost souls having achieved the impossible. Juhee’s wheel has been retrieved and the demon, Scobberlotcher and its castle destroyed forever, along with the mountain it sat upon.
Alice and all the children are now free to escape their torment and the pharaoh’s curse cast upon Kira, is finally broken, allowing her to finally die and crossover to the lands beyond death.
But, Minty is changed.
The events in Scobberlotcher castle reveal that Minty is bound to an age long, long ago and she has no choice but to do as was foretold; Minty must accept the truth of who she really is and face her destiny.
Minty will need all of her courage and cunning, because what now lay ahead is a terrifying, perilous rollercoaster of events, darker and more dangerous than she could ever possibly imagine.
Minty’s resolve, bravery and even her sanity will be pushed to the very brink of capitulation, as she searches for a way to achieve her destiny.
Minty’s odyssey continues.