Deep in the heart of Mossycup Wood lies Poggle Hollow, a secret place not many people know about and those who do keep it very hush hush. Living in this very secret place are the Pogglewitt: a tiny, friendly fun-loving folk who grow their nests on the highest branches of the oldest trees.
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Full synopsis
Deep in the heart of Mossycup Wood lies Poggle Hollow, a secret place not many people know about and those who do keep it very hush hush. Living in this very secret placeare the Pogglewitt: a tiny, friendly fun-loving folk who grow their nests on the highest branches of the oldest trees. Frogbit and the Big Gloopis the first in a series of enchantingtales about one Pogglewitt living on the banks of Poggle Pool.
Gently winding its way around one side of Mossycup Wood is Mossycup Brook, which babbles and chuckles into Poggle Pool. On this particular day when Frogbit’s tummydecides it’s time to catch supper, he fetches his beautiful fishing reed. It’s spring and his beloved pool is so clogged up with frogspawn he can’t fish from the bank as usual, so hegets his boat out.
But it’s a real pickle trying to free his boat from the very gloopy mess! And not only is he being watched by many beady tadpoley eyes, but he catches the attention of a verygrumpy pike lurking in the depths of his pool ready to snaffle an unsuspecting Pogglewitt. Will he catch his supper and have enough to share with his friends or will he becomesupper?
Frogbit and the Big Gloop is a beautifully illustrated book that captures the imagination and ensures the engagement of the very young. It is packed full of little details to promptconversation and discussion between reader and child, and the tale is gentle in nature and full of humour with interesting and playful words. A reminder of the lighter side oflife, it will appeal to both parents and children aged 4 – 7 years old.